Saturday, November 24, 2007

When I was in army basic training, one day in front of the barracks the sergeant shouted, " All right, all of you idiots can Fall Out!" Everyone except one Newfoundlander turned right and dismissed. He stood there smirking , the corporal stood in front of him and tried to stare him down. The Newf said "There sure are a lot of them, aren't there, Sarge!"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

As we taxied down the runway, in the Boxcar (C119) crowded in like chickens,taking off for a parachute jump, I let an awful permeating fart. One of the guys near me said," Jesus Paul, did you shit yourself?" I said," Oh, shut up, you don't have to sit in it.!"
I always state that no celebrity , rich person or such, much impresses me. I follow the old adage, we all have to take down our pants to shit! But, one time I was at a wedding at the Saint John , N.B. yacht club and went outside on the deck with my drink. Using the phone booth was a man I had watched on TV for many years and always was impressed by him. While he was on the phone, I stopped and was saying or blubbering, your're? you're? you're? He hung up ,said Hello and told me his name! William F. Buckley Jr. After I recovered, I roamed down near his yacht, but could see he had company, so didn't bother to have a conversation, which I wanted to ,badly!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hanging on the Wall in our guest bedroom.


You are welcome here,
Be at your Ease.
Go to bed when your ready,
Get up when you please.

Happy to share with you,
Such as we got.
The leak in the roof,
The Soup in the pot.

You don't have to thank us,
Or laugh at Paul's jokes.
Sit deep and come often,
You're one of the folks!