Thursday, June 28, 2007

My father was stationed in Shelburne , Nova Scotia with the 53rd Coastal Battery, Artillery, all during the second world war. My mother would visit most holidays by train or automobile.
My oldest sister came to visit from B.C. and wanted to visit Shelburne, when we drove into town
she said,"There's the Loyalist Hotel, that's where Elaine and I would stay with mom and dad during the war."
We went into the hotel, Joan said, " It hasn't changed in fifty years, let's go upstairs." Up we went, she said," There , there's room # 1, that's where mom and dad slept, and Elaine and I slept in room # 2."
I said, " Joan, I was concieved in room #1 in this hotel." I later figured out that I was concieved on Easter week-end because I was born just before Christmas day.
Later that day we were walking around Shelburne and I saw a sign that said, Shelburne Geneological Society. We went in and I told them about the hotel incident and asked them if they had any record of my conception, they laughed, I told them they didn't keep very good records back in those days.

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